In this second installment of tours around Ayrshire venues (here's the first), we just have the final two we viewed.
Miyon: Savoy Park was another "historical" homes, but I think it's seen better days. Rather than looking grand and impressive, it looked tired and dated. This was partially due to the fact that the historic nature was inconsistently applied, the front half of the hotel feeling a bit early 90's. The garden was pretty enough, but that was it. It's located in the town of Ayr and so does not benefit from views of lakes, hills or sheep. It's has a lot of potential to be a good wedding venue, but it's in need of a refurbishment effort. For example, it has very little accessibility for people who may have trouble with stairs, which doesn't make much sense when the main ladies restroom is on the second floor.
Craig: The Savoy Park was the one venue that we visited where we didn't get the 'lets sit down and discuss your wedding options' treatment. We didn't even get offered a cup of tea. As Miyon said we weren't really too enamoured with the decor but I could see why someone might like it. In fact, a friend of mine has recently booked it for his wedding! Who said everyone... (you get the point).
Verdict: Pass
Miyon: This was not on our original list of venues to view, but Craig's mum was up for stopping by and luckily a wedding coordinator was available to give a look around. Unfortunately I didn't get very good pictures and I was only able to get these two of their larger ceremony/reception area. The hotel is huge, like a mini resort and it seems like it would be a nice family vacation spot as it's right by the sea as well. And as you can sorta see, the function room is huge. Now, this may be something that totally appeals to some people, but it was just TOO big for us. Even though we have a lot of people, we still want it to feel like an intimate gathering... tall order, I know! But I think our other two favorites fit this bill so it is possible.
Craig: By the time we got to Seamill we'd covered pretty much the entire length of Ayrshire. Again, thats probably not very far on American standards but for a first go at visiting wedding venues it was a lot for me!
We got shown around by a guy dressed in a dinner suit. I'm not sure why but I thought that was a bit weird. The hotel was full as it was the Easter holiday weekend so it really added to that mini-resort feeling that Miyon mentioned - the place was really busy.
In terms of the wedding reception rooms they had one at the back which was a bit smaller and with a nice view over their lawns to the sea and in the front they have the big room pictured above. The smaller room seemed like it would be a bit less private as the public bar for the hotel is in the adjoining room. I've been to an evening reception in the big room and it is very big - meaning that the guests get a bit spread out.
Verdict: Pass
So there you are, six venues and 2 very maybes! (I said seven before, I can't count) Although my head was in a total daze at the end of it, I think that's not a bad outcome.
We are thinking about going back at the end of May to see a few more but:
- where else would we go? East Scotland is an idea but it would mean further travel for our Scottish guests.
- places are getting booked up fast! There's the possibility of missing out on the two we are considering if we dawdle further for another month.
Urgh, first stress out moment of wedding planning. Pass the wine. :)