Most of photographers will stay through the dinner speeches. Some may even be coaxed through the first couple of dances. But that's just when people start to let their hair down and get ready to the party! Disposable cameras were/are a popular way to capture these moments but they can get pretty expensive for very chance-y photos.
This is why I love the idea of setting up a photo corner somewhere with a fun backdrop, props and a digital camera on a tripod set with a remote control.
One great idea has been to use fabric as a backdrop like this wedding:
(from here, via here)
Cute non?
But THEN! I was walking through town the other weekend and saw this window display in Jigsaw.
It's a bit hard to see with the reflection but it looks like they took MILES of ribbon and looped and stapled(?) them onto a big board. Can't you imagine that as a fun, textured, photobooth background? Of course you can, there's some mannequins there to help you visualize. ;)
Craig just suggested why don't I just ask if I can have that one when they're done with it. Clever, but if that fails I'll need to find some ribbon, staples and a whole week to myself.