Arghhh I was hoping to be able share pictures of:
1) Finished and modeled Still
2) Finished back and start of front of Petersburg
But the knitting gods are bored and decided to toy with me.
First I zipped through finishing the back of Petersburg. Zip zip zipping along. I finished the neck shaping, cast off and held up the fine stockinette glory.
It looked kinda... big. I held it against myself. Yup, ginormous.
Not only that, I ambled back to my stash, did some quick math and realized that at this rate I would be woefully short of yarn to finish the sweater. So this is what happened:
When I bought the yarn, I did intend it for Petersburg and I bought enough skeins to make the small (with what I thought was a safe amount of yardage). When I started the pattern, I overestimated my size and decided to go up a size. The ironic this is that I DID double check how much yarn it would take to make the next size up and it said 7 skeins, just like the small. But wait, I'm not using the yarn in the pattern so going by the number of skeins is utterly useless. This should have been obvious to me since I bought 12 skeins of the Jaeger so duh, Jaeger Merino yardage != Rowan Cocoon Yardage.
Such a noob mistake! Anyway, I'm continuing with the front left in the small size and I'll rip the back when I can face myself in the mirror again. At least it was just all stockinette! And fast at that.
Still isn't complete because by the time I figured all this out it was getting late and I had to stop seaming. I only have one sleeve seam left to sew up so I'm hoping it will be finished by this weekend to wear to a trip out to London to see this.