My Moreish socks are complete!

Pattern: Moorish Lattice from Sensational Knitted Socks
Needles: Addi Turbo circulars US1
Yarn: Socks that Rock Lightweight in Mustang Sally
Notes: Knit top down. Pattern repeated twice on leg portion and twice on foot portion. Once again, really lucky that two repeats was the perfect amount for the foot before starting the decreases.

These took me ages and ages to complete and it wasn't because they were difficult or anything. The end of last year was quite hectic and I didn't get to knit that much while visiting the states. Turns out that when you visit "home" for only two weeks a year, your time is taken up by friends and family who want to like, spend time with you. Go figure! ;)
I adore the colors and STR on addis is a declicious combination.