Yes, I have another KAL button up. This one is for 200Sox hosted by the girls at PurlingPs. I love socks. I love puns. How could I resist? Especially since I'm 50% done with my first pair of the year (it SO totally counts since I started them in January).
I've got about 8 inches on the Hourglass sleeves, ready to do the first increase and then it's only about 5 more inches after that before I attach them to the body. Woot woot. And then I can start on the cutsie dragon sweater.
I'm going to try and bring Don to the LYS on Saturday but he works graveyards so I'm going to have to try and drag him out of bed to make it to the store before they close. I think bribing him with some donuts from VG's donuts may do the trick. If not, oh well, more for me!