Gah, I've been tagged by Nancy by the latest meme making the rounds, so here we go.
Instructions: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot.
Select 5 people to tag (suckers!): No really, I know these things are akin to chain letters and they take some time, but there's nothing like direct questions to learn more about folks.
So I can only think of three people who regularly read my knitting blog so I'll only tag Kris, Marisa and Michele.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a junior in high school. I was on the student body at Rally Coordinator and I sucked pretty bad at it. Oh well, it was a really fun year cause I got to go to all the dances for free.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Same job, different condo, different roommate... Oooh I think I started my knitting blog about a year ago. And funnily enough, I was complaining about how my dad bothered me about not having a boyfriend. Almost to a day! Funny funny.
What were you doing 1 hour ago?
Getting Starbuck's with the boyfriend! =D
List five creative things you want to achieve this year:
Try my hand at dyeing yarn. Complete a lace project without tearing my hair out. Learn to cook some nice and easy recipes (is it creative if you just follow directions?). Improve writing skills. Take better pictures (me as photographer, not me as subject).
List five snacks you enjoy:
Beef Jerky. Peanut M&Ms. A can of peaches. Dried mangoes. Cheese.
List five things you would do if money were no object:
Pay off my credit debt. Travel the world. Open a knitting/yarn store. Buy my parents a nice house. Buy a pair of Jimmy Choos to just stare at all day and maybe wear around the house.
List five bad habits:
Procrastination, interrupting people while they talk, tuning people out while I'm watching tv, tuning people out while I'm talking to them on the phone, not returning phone calls.
List five things you like doing:
Knit. Read. Surf the net. Snowboard. Chat with Don.
List five favorite gadgets:
Powerbook, iPod, kacha counter (with the lock), camera, Shu Uemura eyelash curler.
Name one thing you like about yourself:
I can make myself laugh.