I'm baaaa-aaack.
After a disappointing summer of hot weather combined with hot wool (and let's face it, plain laziness) I've picked up my needles once again.
It was because of an irresistable combination of pizza, pita chips, crab dip, Lani, US Weekly Magazines, and a recording of So You Think You Can Dance. Let me tell you, Kris knows how to lure this knitter back to the knitting world.
As if that wasn't enough to bowl me over, she was sweet enough to get me a signed copy of the Yarn Harlot's book! The first time I read her copy of it I pretty much read it all the way through. Now I have my own copy to peruse at my leisure. Did I mention that it's signed?!? I love you Kris as much as I hate John!
I finally finished all the major pieces of Hudson. I "just" have to seam them all and pick up stitches for the hood. Wish me luck, hopefully it will be less than 4 months before I post again. ;)