Jury duty is lame, but it's making me quite productive with the knitting. I thought I'd be outta there yesterday, but just my luck I got picked as an alternate.
I've finished not one, but TWO washcloths and I'm sure I'll finish the third by tomorrow's end:

I made the first two on my Denise's and then switched to dpn's. The yellow I'm doing straight off on my dpn's (Clovers) and I have to say I like it better. I like how the yarn works on the bamboo and I don't have to worry so much about the dangling ends matching because I pretty much put a petal on each dpn.
Also, made some progress on the Ribby Card:
I'm about 2 inches short of the armhole shaping. As you can see, also on Denises. I'm totally missing the Addi Turbos, but after yesterday's incident I've decided not to take my chances on bringing any pointy metal objects to court.