I can now say that I'm one of the first people to see the last Star Wars. Yay.
We got to the theater at 9:30 thinking that was plenty of time for the midnight showing. When we arrived, it was quite a sight. Dressed up geeks all everywhere you looked! We had no idea where to stand in line so I asked the ticket agent and they told me that the lines outside were for a "special" (i.e. fanclub) showing at 1:30am. They had seated the midnight showing ticket holders at 7:30! So we raced around (they were showing on 4 screens, we could pick any one) thinking we would probably be split up.
But I have learned that Star Wars geeks are actually very nice people. We ended up getting pretty good seats and really close to each other! I felt bad for the people next to us because they had been there since 7:30 and we show up 3 hours later and get the same (if not slightly better) seats than them. We became fast friends because they were the flamingest gays I have ever met and quite entertaining with their comments while flipping through US Weekly. We briefly talked about "Bring it On" and one guy says, "My ex-girlfriend was a cheerleader... you know, back when..." and I cut him off and said, "Back when you had ex-GIRLfriends??" and so they knew I knew what was up.
However, one of the people I went with is my ex and he text messages me, "Dude, that guy is totally hitting on you". Wow, someone needs to get their gay-dar a tune up.
And now, what you all have been waiting for, my mad photojournalism skillllllzzzzz. Actually, the pictures suck. I haven't quite mastered how to take pictures in the dark. outside. with poor lighting.
("OMG, Jennifer, he is soooooo hot." "Back off bitch, I saw him first")
![Img_2323 Img_2323](https://mimsie.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/img_2323.JPG)
(They didn't know each other but I made them take a pic together and afterwards I saw them talking for a while. Am I the ultimate matchmaker or what??)
![Img_2332 Img_2332](https://mimsie.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/img_2332.JPG)
(I wonder if that laser pointing at his ass is tingling any spidey-senses)
![Img_2330 Img_2330](https://mimsie.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/img_2330.JPG)
(This was the cutest Darth Vader EVER! He was
like 11 years old or something and he seemed really flattered/proud
that I asked to take a pic of him.)
![Img_2327 Img_2327](https://mimsie.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/img_2327.JPG)
(Where is Triumph when you need him so badly??)
I would love to see some captions for these. Any takers?
Oh and the movie... It was pretty good. I'm currently krushin on Hayden (why are evil guys hot?) Um... something about Anakin falling for the Dark Side. Sorry if I spoiled it for you.