Whew it seems like it's been ages since I've posted... 3 weeks, which isn't to bad, I've been worse before. But lately I've been struggling with managing all my interests and activities and it's making me a bit sad. I think something's gotta give.
- Blogs - Yes multiple. I'm a nutter. So I've got this one, the personal wedding one, posting over at WC Brides, and the knitting one (more on that in a mo). Right now, I think my posts are all mediocre and that's lame for me and for you.
- Actual knitting - I have a tiny bit left on my current sweater, just the neckline! It's pink, and 80's and fabulous! But I can't seem to find the quiet time to finish it.
- Other crafts - I have fabric to make some cute projects. I want to refinish some old mirrors we have. I want to reupholster a chair. I want to paint the dining chairs. I want to practice using Photoshop and Illustrator (currently on hold until I get a new computer). I want to MAKE THINGS.
- Wedding planning - Ok so I kinda freaked out (mainly for your amusement) the other day but seriously need to get cracking on some big decisions.
- Reading - I really admire how Craig churns through books. In fact, he read the last book I bought for myself. I keep going back to my friendly familiar favorites when there is a large stack just waiting for my attention. But come on, HP6 just came out, of course I had to read the entire series again!
- Cooking - It's kind of been a while since I road-tested a new recipe but new recipes inevitably take longer and time in the evenings seems to be a rare commodity lately.
- Work - This is a new one. Normally I would not list work as something I want to make time for, but I seriously love my new job and I haven't even officially started! But it's something I could easily spend a lot of my time on and be happy about it as well. Tough life eh?
And when I do try and hunker down on one project, I freeze up and then just end up watching reruns of Friends and SATC. And then before I know it, it's time for bed and I walk past the computer, wedding magazines and unfinished sweater to see that Craig's finished another book while waiting for me.