You know what I hate? When you go to buy a card and they don't even try. I mean sometimes you could shell out over $5 and it's just insulting that they don't even make an effort.
Like birthday cards. As cliche as "Happy Birthday" is, I don't mind that. I don't mind that because it is far better than the cards that say, "It's your birthday!"
I mean, way to state the obvious. Unless the sender is trying to say, "Oh wow, I totally remembered it's your birthday and I just wanted to let you know." In which case it leaves the recipient in the awkward position of looking for a card that says, "Congratulations on remembering my birthday," which by the way, Hallmark does not make.
This sentiment extends to other types of cards like:
"You're engaged!" - well I wish my boyfriend told me that but I guess it's just as good to hear that from you.
"You're having a baby!" - OH that explains the missed periods and weight gain! Trust me, that poor woman knew she was having a baby long before you did.
"It's your wedding!" - I KNOW, I INVITED YOU.
These aren't really worth buying a card. They're just declaritive statements. But the worst of the bunch don't even bother to be statements.
Today I was as the shop looking for a card for a wedding we're going to tonight and I swear half of them just said, "Wedding".
That's it.
Just "Wedding". There might be a cake or a picture of a bride and groom, but to just say "Wedding"... what does that even mean?? At least they are equal opportunity, I also saw a card (I freaking kid you not) that was as plain as plain could be and on the front it just said, "Civil Ceremony". (?!?)
These types of cards definitely hit the bottom of the pile. It would be far better to get a blank card with a picture of a kitten playing a banjo. For any occasion.