This weekend I started looking into courses offered at the local adult learning centre (which turns out to be a 10 minute walk from home) and man I wish I thought of this sooner! I always thought they just had classes like ESL or The Internet for Beginners. I mean, they have those too but so much more!
I've missed out on the Spring semester but I've totally got my eye on these for the fall semester starting in September:
- Easy Indian Cookery
- Calligraphy (for invitations!)
- Scottish Country Dancing All Abilities (should be handy for the wedding)
- Flowers on a Budget for a Wedding
- Bouquets for Bridesmaids (amazing how many wedding focused classes they have)
- Garment Making All Levels
- Good Food on a Shoestring
- Pattern Cutting and Sewing for Beginners
- Upholstery All Abilities
- Dance Fitness Fusion
- Pilates
- Cookery for Men (Craig might find this fun)
- Mediterranean Wine Cruise (seriously, why haven't I found this centre sooner?)
I hope my interest lasts til registration starts up again.