So I still read Cute Overload quite regularly and I had to share this post because, well, fuckity fuck, look at this and tell me your head doesn't assplode from the qt:

What the hell! Enough to make me wanna go aaAUUGGGgghhhh!
Even crazier? It's Martha Stewart's new puppeh! What the shit man!
Do you see the stubby appendages? And the toes, dude, the TOES! And what is up with the anime happy eyes? That is just flippin ri-donk-ulous.
Or do I mean... ri-DOG-ulous?
Ahem. Sorry 'bout that.
I've always wanted a dog. My parents (well, ok my MOM) wouldn't let me have one because we always lived in places that were too small for the three of us let alone another animal. My mom said it was "cruel" to keep a dog indoors. She was also a clean freak. To be fair she did let me have the occasional hamster and fish, but have you ever tried to make a hamster fetch or snuggle a fish? Actually, it's pretty hard to snuggle a hamster too. They're awful squirmy and I have a big face.
Craig says we can get a dog as soon as we buy a house. In "these uncertain economic times" that sounds so laughable I sometimes suspect he is in cahoots with my mom in thwarting my doggie daydreams.
I'm still optimistic though and closely watch dog shows and Cesar Millan to consider the different types of breeds that would suit me. For a while I thought I wanted a Corgi (who are also very happy cuties), which Craig (another happy cutie) is averse to because, get this, it's the Queen's dogs. This is not really a Craig thing but a Queen thing so if you're not a fan of the Queen then apparently you don't like her dogs either. Which is just silly logic I know, but I have to admit that although I never really wanted a chihuahua, Paris Hilton was the last nail on that coffin.
Where was I? Oh yes, so I used to want a Corgi, but now that that stupidly cute picture has entered my life, I know what I want. I want that one.
No, not just any Chow Chow, but THAT Chow Chow.
I wonder how well she learned to fight in prison.