I did not starve to death, just went a bit MIA due to sheer laziness. In case you have any curiosity as to how I got through those days, I'll let you know that the Indian around the corner makes an excellently spicy chicken madras. Yay for British Indians and their dishes that make your tummy Not Right for days!
This weekend I watched "From London to Brighton". When Craig put it on his LoveFilm list (aka Netflix) he thought it might be about a young group of people partying between the two cities, resulting in memorable situations and hilarious hijinx.
Turned out it was more about pedophiles and prostitution, mixed in with a bit of murder all with the seedy backdrop of the dodgy side of England.
Don't get me wrong, I thought the movie was good. It just wasn't what we were looking for a mellow Saturday night in, you know?
When the movie ended and we let out a sigh of relief, we switched over to normal tv to try and catch something a little more lighthearted. Instead we hear,
"...eyes were stabbed with a pen."
The weekend did get less depressing, with Arsenal pulling to the top of the list league on Sunday after handing Portsmouth a right spanking. Ok, fine, so the football season just started and you can't lay any faith on the table now (hello, Everton at the top, Manchester United flailing??) But now that Henry's gone to Barcelona (wahhhh!!!!) I want to bask while I can. 'Mon th'gunners!
By the way, is anyone paying attention to soccer over in the states now that Beckham's over there? Any LA Galaxy fans out there?