I'm back from holiday and just thought I'd finally check in because I've been getting a week bit nudged about my lack of updatees, But dood, I've been on vacation for two weeks with no internet. Can you please feel properly sorry for me and excuse my absence?
Actually you don't have to feel sorry for me cause I'm going to leave you with a half-arsed update and just point you to the album where you should focus on the last dozen or so pics that look unfamiliar to you. In fact, I'm going to ask that you check on it often as I'm going to probably add to it as I get more pics from friends. I promise no more additions past, oh... let's say March.
Instead of an update that actually requires what I consider work, I'm going to share with y'all some mental insights I had on the plane tonight. I just came back from Helsinki and in case you can't tell, I consumed about three gratis (plastic) bottles of red wine (chilean!) on the flight.
So here we go:
Phrases Banned from Use Until Proven the User Can Apply them in a Coherent and Competent Manner
Phrase the first: Web Two Point Oh
This is just retarded. No one released Web 1.0 or even Internet 1.1 Beta. The internet is in a constant state of flux and the YouTube, SOAP, AJAX, Del.icio.us, stuff out there now (as cool as it is) is just the web becoming more useful than that link based, table usage, AOL chatroom shit we had to put up with before. We are in the midst of Web 2.0 as much as we are in the midst of Earth 10.8. Get over it, Web X.X is here before you know it so stop analyzing the bus stop and instead anticipate your destination. So forget about using them in a coherent and competent manner. I think no one should use this term ever. So there.
Phrase the second: Irony
You know what? I can't even be arsed to explain irony correctly. Let's just say that 88% of the population doesn't use it correctly and a 12% failure rate is enough to ban the term. The phrase you are looking for is most likely "coincidental" or perhaps "unfortunate". So just don't even start with the "wow that's ironic" because it is not.
And that's all the phrases I came up with. Listen, the wine was in plastic bottles and although it was Chilean I was on a Finnish airline so coming up with that much is, in my opinion, commendable. If it weren't for the fact that a cab was waiting for me, I'd say ending up on my bed with my laptop before me qualifies as a miracle. As it is, it is only a minor feat that deserves a small printout certificate.
Happy New Year. It goes without saying that resolutions have been vetoed for this year (although I just said it now, didn't I?) so I'd just like to say that I hope for 2007 I stay true to myself even if it means I don't undergo self-improvement or resolutionment.