This past Saturday my flatmate, Selina, invited me to a dinner party that her company hosted. Meet Selina, flatmate extraordinaire:
And for the girls, cause I know y'all wanna see, here's the outfit:
Selina will have to excuse that she is blinking but there you go. I got the top, skirt and necklace from Coast and I better find some way to be invited to a fancy party every weekend this winter in order to get enough wear out of what I spent on it. Bugger.
The theme was James Bond and so of course there were these hired girls walking around in orange spandex.
And of course there was an electronic rodeo bull ride whereby accountants who drink wayyyy too much free champagne end up behaving ridiculously for my own amusement:
This weekend my friend Chris also taught me how to play conkers after I read a book that mentioned conkers and I said, "Conkers? WTF is conkers?" and then he said, "What, you don't know conkers?" and then he got some chestnuts, drilled holes in them, tied some string through them, and then he taught me how to play conkers and I kicked his ass.
Apparently the game is now banned in a some elementary schools where it's usually played because kids were actually getting hurt. I can believe it. I wacked my arm and leg a couple of times and motherheck, if you get enough torque on the swing that shit hurts yo. Anyway, I totally brought it and the englishman got served at his own game aren't you proud of me?
Anyway, so there's your first glance at a couple of friends I've made in England so far. Lovely folks so far, teaching me lots about tea and football and how to cross the street without getting killed.