At the old place, my room faced a driveway, where posh cars (not mine) maneuvered quietly into covered garages. The most annoying sounds I had to deal with were the kids riding their skateboards, and at this point I get nostalgic about it.
The new bedroom faces an alley. Among normal alley noises (cat howls, menacing footsteps echoing in the dark) I've come to know the strangers that share the lane with me.
There is Mr. Apnea who I am sure lives directly below me and his snores pass through the floor and reverbrate through the legs of my bed. There is 11:23 Car Alarm, which without fail has gone off for exactly 12 seconds every night (at 11:23) before the owner scrambles to shut it off. At least, I hope they're scrambling to cease and desist the annoyance, but really if it's going to go off every night at the same time is it that much of a surprise that requires scrambling? And the reason I get nostalgic about the couple of whippersnappers on their skateboards? I now live directly across the street from an elementary school.
Yesterday (at about Oh Three Twenty Three hours) (Three fucking twenty three am for the civilians) I was charmingly woken up to the sounds of... well to put it mildly, impassioned cries in the night. With the current heat wave, closing the window was not an option (and I was fucking tired, as people tend to be when they are asleep) so I resolutely tried to ignore them thinking to myself (rather ungenerously) "oh surely this can't last very long..."
Lucky for me it was all over in about 3 long minutes (or unluckily in 3 short minutes, depending on perspective) but what cracked me up was the snatches of conversation I was able to catch in the ensuing 30 minutes following the uh, energetic episode.
It began with some muffled mundane conversation that progressively increased in volume until I was quite sure they were debating the topic of her weight.
Attention Casanovas: Do not discuss her weight directly after sex. Most certainly do not suggest trips to the gym and then act all innoccent saying, "What? I'm just asking!" And certainly do not be surprised when she suggests you "move your ass to the airmattress in the livingroom".
What confused the hell out of me though was that in about 15 minutes she is the one that ends up outside calling someone and insisting they pick her up and drive her to her car.
"What? No I told you if you're going to be gone for more than an hour then you should... no... that's not what I mean... look can you just pick me up or else I'm going to walk to my car... shut up there is no way you're already on the freeway, come pick me up... stop fucking joking with me... no pick me up..." repeat infinitium until I scream out "JUST START WALKING BITCH!!"
Just kidding about yelling out that last bit, but day-am I was tempted.
Any sympathy I had for her concerning Casanova quickly disintegrated and I now dub her Whiny Crazy Alley Biotch.