sar: hey we got 11th place in dodge
shmee: out of....?
sar: 13
sar: haha
shmee: AWESOME!
sar: but at least we didnt get last!
shmee: fuck i'll drink to that
There seems to be a lot things coming to an end these days. Dearest roomie is trekking back up north. Dearest friend is trekking to the east. I myself am meandering down south, thus closing the chapter of my life spent "La Jolla and north". I still find myself holding onto the academic timeline and always found June to be the close of the year and then September comes with a fresh start (the summer months just being a brief hiatus from reality). Without the luxury of summer vacation, I guess June is the end and beginning of a new year for me.
Truth be told, I was gearing myself up to write one hell of a rant. Just when I think my brain, my heart, my ego, and my sanity couldn't take anymore, it turns out… well maybe I am stronger than I think. What is the point of ranting and crying and cursing at the skies? There is nothing left to be said. I might feel better by tossing insults about his looks (let's face it, balding) or his moves (let's face it, only one move on and off the dancefloor), but really that only makes me feel better for about 5 minutes (10 minutes if you laugh with me) and I'm looking for the long term solution, not a quick fix.
I'm going to arm myself with knitting and cooking and friends and trips and projects and a calendar full of events that will create so many good memories these recent bad ones will be a mere blip in the horizon.
We're heading down to the Prado this evening for dodgeball closing ceremonies (not as official as it sounds, it's basically co-workers getting sloshed on $2.50 margaritas). But I'll be sure to save a toast to greet in the new year and all it may bring.