All hail misSario for coordinating a most excellent outing for celebrating my triumphant success at staying alive, and somewhat sane, for 27 years.
I was kept completely in the dark about the actaul event, which was a concerted effort that even included blindfolding me with what I think were sweatpants (eww shmeepants) until we arrived at the destination.
My guesses:
- bowling, ("but everyone knows I hate bowling" "... you do? shit!")
- Les Girls (I'll let you guess what Les Girls promotes.)
Umm yeah that's all my guesses. I was, and still am, shocked that such effort was put into the day so I didn't want to try and guess too much and just enjoy the moment.
Oh right, you're probably wondering what we ended up doing:
Check out the sweet invite (that even I didn't get)
I'd never played before and dood, it was great running around in the dark with 30 people and you're more scared than you should be with frickin laser beams going off left and right and oddly enough is that Ace of Base playing over the speakers because that is freaking awesome!
You'll note that I'm notably absent in that picture. I think I was busy with trying to put out that damn last candle:
Fucking trick candles.
Haha just kidding, that was awesome too. I don't think I had to deal with trick candles since I was... well never, so that's something to cross of my list of Things To Do Before Twenty Eight.
(Twenty eight! AIEEEEE!)
(Why am I all red and pie-faced? This is so unfair. In the last couple of months I've been able to fit in the holy grails of wardrobe items: The Skinny Jeans and yet I am as pumpkin faced as ever. Durh.)
Other things of note for future reminiscing:
- Ohmythat'sabiglaser you got there.
- I hold the laser how? oh my.
- Yes, I am 12.
- That's GaMEmaster.
- People who work at laser tag arenas are really good at Dance Dance Revolution and it is surprisingly not hot, but more like mesmerising the way you can't stop watching Riverdance.
- Do not let Vicki lead you around blindfolded by sweatpants. She will make you run into trashcans. Trust walk my arse!
I'll create an album eventually, after I get more pictures.
Yes, I know it says Happy New Year and why the fuck not? The album includes pics taken on the REAL birthday as well (you know, when I drunk posted at 4am) More to be added as they come in.