After finishing what had become an arduous task at work, I leaned back and ran my fingers through my hair to relieve the stress. I love that feeling. It's better when someone else does it (preferably the $150+ hair stylist) but it's very relaxing nonetheless.
Anyway, so I'm running my fingers through my hair and wait, what's that? A… a pimple?? Ew.
Why am I so disgusting?
I'm way past puberty, and I've come to terms with the occasional "third eye" pimple, the "hurts like hell inside the nose" pimple, and I'll even admit to the rare but vexing "cheek" pimple (ahem, the other cheek). But a scalp pimple?? Actually, I can't be sure it's a pimple unless I shaved my head but my tactile senses say that's the likely culprit. But is there anything really wrong with a pimple other than cosmetically? I mean, people don't die from pimples do they? And since my hair covers it, do I even need to worry about looking for shampoo with salicylic acid in it? (that actually might feel pretty good!) Which leads to the more disturbing question, if my scalp had a bit of an acne problem, would anyone know?
I think that with this post, I have just guaranteed myself to lead a life of lonesomeness where even cats refuse to keep me company because I let my thoughts go down roads they really ought not to.
(Have I used the title of this post before? I thought I might but Google brings up nothing. Oh well, it's too perfect not to recycle. I love Kindergarten Cop!)