Sometimes I feel that I'm battling conflicting future selves.
Self 1: Jet Setting Career Superwoman
This is when I dream about living in a highly metropolitan area in a chic condo. I'd travel a lot, shop for cool clothes, and eat fancy food. Although this sounds *fun*, it also seems like it'd be a pretty hollow and superficial life.
Self 2: Career mom
I'd be juggling the kids, the husband, the house, and still manage to keep a sense of self through a satisfying career. I see a lot of people do this right now, but I just don't know if I have it in me to be able to do it all. Something has to suffer doesn't it? And I bet it would be the shopping.
Self 3: Stay at home mom
This is where I think there would be nothing better than to hang out with my kids all day, have a nice house in the 'burbs, and throw awesome dinner parties. But this sounds like it involves some cleaning and cooking. And I bet most of the shopping is at grocery stores.
Can anyone really *decide* what kind of life they're going to have? Or maybe we choose our paths subconsiously because we are drawn toward it.