I love SPAM. It reminds me of my childhood. If we had nothing else to eat, there was always fried Spam with rice and kimchee. Oooh, I drool just thinking about it.
GMail now has this nifty RSS feed going across the top of my message list that displays randomness throughout the day. I subscribed to some recipe sites and just this afternoon, there's some sort of Spam-fest going on. Anyway, these sound lovely to me and I thought I'd share for any others who harbor a secret liking to that wonderfully sodium and fat clogged concoction.
French Fry Spam Casserole: Sounds like a great Carne Asada Fries alternative, and just as healthy! The crushed cornflakes just add a touch of class, don't you think?
Spam Fajitas: Because chicken breast is not cheap.
Savory Spam Crescents: No really, this sounds good. Use cubed ham if you're going to be a snob about it.
Spam Skillet Casserole: This recipe uses Thyme. THYME! You know it's legit.