Last night during the weekly knitting night I saw an episode of Law and Order (SVU is my favorite) that made me think of a very random thought:
Wasn't My Two Dads the weirdest show ever? The unsaid premise being, "Hey so we don't know which one of us is your dad, but we sure know who the whore was don't we!"
They should remake that show and make it about two gay dads. Oh, they had a show like that already? I meant remake it but not suck ass.
(Correction, I think Small Wonder was the weirdest show ever. That I loved.)
(Actually Alf was pretty weird too.)
And I'm still feeling a bit ranty from yesterday so I just want to say:
"Don't use your windshield wipers on the freeway because it splashes the car behind you, you inconsiderate oaf!"
(Although that bit of information is useful the next time you want to annoy a tailgater.) (Not that I was guilty of that this morning.)