I was going to write about how there was a joyous reunion with Vicki last night (she went to Africa for 3 weeks, lucky biotch).
I was going to write about how my friends and I are going to dress up as Ninja Turtles for the work Halloween party tonight (pics definately forthcoming, don't worry).
I was even going to write about how I'm going to the Chargers game this weekend (Go Chiefs!).
But I'm sorry, I have been too busy laughing while perusing You Knit What??
Yes, it's about knitting. Yes, it's just a blog. But I think most people would appreciate choking over their own laughter when stumbling across gems like this. These are all examples of why knitting has a bad name.
I'm not sure if this was a ploy to lure guy knitters into thinking knitting is manly, but I remember thinking this when I saw the cover too.