I had a long streak of not dressing up for Halloween until last year. Once again inspired by Saturday morning cartoons (is such nostalgia another sign of getting old?) I joined a band of renegades to come up with this creation:
And don't think Ninja Turtles are random, they are hip enough for even young recruits:
Continue the adventure in the Tricks album.
And don't think just because I dressed up as a cartoon means that I'm regressing toward childhood. This weekend I exhibited classic "grown up" behavior by adding to our livingroom ensemble:
Just the couch has been acquired, but that leather coffee table is hot.
And finally, I went to my first football game this weekend. Chargers vs. Chiefs. I know I supposedly picked the Chiefs but I've learned that it's quite intimidating to be on the Other Team when surrounded by fans of the home team.
Actually, football fans in general are the craziest I've encountered. Another lesson learned: When confronted by a Large Angry Female Fan, do not think you are safe because she is holding her kid. She WILL sacrifice him to a stranger to Mess You Up.