I only go home about twice a year, so any trip to SF must be a Big Deal. This cause of this last trip was no less than a Big Deal. It was the wedding of two wonderfully lovely friends of mine: Katherine and Todd.
I lived with Katherine (and Kim) my senior year in college. This was also the momentous year that Todd first met and ardantly persued Katherine. The two are completely meant to be, and I could tell that they are deeply committed to one another... but damn, Todd had it rough for the first couple of months, I think. I guess it's all about keeping the faith if you know something is right.
Susan was a lovely date. She cried during the ceremony so I wouldn't feel bad about crying either, isn't that nice of her?
The wedding couple are both film makers. (Check them out here at Jumpcutters) so the wedding had an appropriate movie theme. Why is it not surprising that my table was Office Space?
Very cute and very creative.
Katherine is not exactly the girly type (I *think* the last time she wore a dress was graduation. I think). So I was just tickled pink (yes TICKLED PINK) to be able to take a picture with her looking like this:
Oh, what a little princess. She's going to kick my ass if she ever reads me calling her that, but whatever, it was worth it.
To prove my point, I had to take this picture to show that she in fact wore FLIP FLOPS under her dress (a dress which was beautifully made by her own mother):
You have to look pretty closely, but yes, those are platform flip flops. Please excuse my rather flushed face. You see, they had some Gewurztraminer and I couldn't resist having a glass or two (or three).
Happy just seems so inadequate to describe how I feel for this couple:
More pictures in the album.