Woooooo, it's the So You Think You Can Dance recap.
They finally have pictures of people up so you can refer to the following graphic as I point out my loves and my hates:
Red: Blake. He's the professional dancer who's already danced with the likes of Britney. He's a concieted asshole with a wimpy (however cute) dog that isn't potty trained. He talked mad shit about the hip hop choreographer who was teaching his class and next week they're gonna call him out on it. Can't wait!!!
Purple: Jake? Ohhhh one of my loves. He's so enthusiastic and cute and his technique is spot on and eeek, just luv him. Oh and I'm pretty sure he's flaming. He actually auditioned with his best friend, Melody who is...
Green: Melody. How cute is she?! The girl can't be much taller than 5' but she has a very powerful style to her dance and holds her own very well.
Orange: I forgot his name, but I like to call him DragonballZ guy and if you see his hair you'll know what I mean. Homeboy's a straightup breaker. That's a bad pic of him, but he's actually reall cute. He's the guy I would stare at in a club and think damn, I wish I was Honey or something so I can go up to him and show him a what's what.
Song of the moment: Dirty Harry by Gorillaz