So I got last minute tickets to see the Star Wars midnight premiere tonight. I know, I know... go ahead and chant all together now: "NEERRRRRRRD!"
But it's not like I have been longing for this day and sitting at the theater in order to be the first to purchase tickets. Have you ever seen me post about Star Wars? (This totally does not count) The tickets honestly just fell in my lap.
And I'm going partly to see the freak show. I'm tempted to bring my camera, but I wonder... would bringing my camera to document the geek-fest actually make me dorkier than the guy dressed like Obi Wan? (I luuuuurrrrve you, Ewan!)
And if taking pictures does not cross the dork threshold, surely bringing my socks to knit while waiting in line will do the trick.
And if THAT doesn't do it, I've sealed my fate by taking time to figure out how to write out the theme to Star Wars using "da"s for the title of this post.
Oh well, I don't give a fuck. I'm too old to pretend I'm cool anymore.