As I drove back from Kris' I noticed that there is a cheshire cat moon out tonight. He kept me company as Orion guided me back. Orion always reminds me of home, because he stands guard above the roof of the home in San Francisco. He isn't quite in the right place in San Diego, so it makes me feel I'm not somewhere I can call home just yet. (is that home? where the stars hang in the right place?)
I like cheshire cat moons, but my favorite kind looks like the very tip of a french manicure. A mere sliver of silver that just suggests moon-iness. It casts enough light so I don't feel utterly alone but it's humble enough to let a good number of stars shine through and remind me of my insignificance.
This is a note to myself to throw a wine/cheese/chocolate party. If half a glass of port will produce this kind of gibberish, I'd love to see what happens after a whole night of it.