I'm currently obsessed with the movie Playing by Heart. It's corny as hell, but it still gets under my skin and has an unbelievable cast:
Angelina Jolie: Adorable
Ryan Phillipe: Adorable
Jon Stewart: Adorable
Gillian Anderson: Kinda annoying but only because she's so pessimistic
Sean Connery: Solid
Gena Rowlands: Solid
Anthony Edwards: GOOSE!!! haha... he was ok.
Jay Mohr: Surprisingly good
Dennis Quaid: Good in a subdued, subtle way
It's got the same sort of feel as Love Actually, but more serious, and everyone in the movie has some sort of tie to everyone else (which doesn't become apparent until way at the end). It also takes place in Los Angeles and it was kinda funny to see Phillipe and Jolie at a rave at the Mayan.
It's also got some awesome quotes. Most of the best ones are from Joan (Jolie) and Trent (Stewart).
- Joan: What, is that a rhetorical question? Why is my life so complicated? Gee, I don't know. Why is your life so fucking simple?
- Joan: I want to get rid of you as much as I want to get rid of that crap from Ikea.
- Joan: When was having sex or not having sex not a problem?
- Trent: Yeah I know, the flowers are a little much, but I'm late. But only because I had second thoughts about the flowers and threw them away halfway down the block. Then had third thoughts and went back and got them.
- Trent: I'm not men. I'm not a group. I'm just me.