My adolescence is complete. When I was in middle school, I was very jealous of all my friends who got to go to concerts. I missed out on seeing NKOTB, Debbie Gibson, Janet Jackson, Madonna...etc. Well I am jealous no longer, because last night I got to see arguably the best R&B group evaaaarrrr.
How can you not love Boyz II Men? They taught us what harmony was. They made it ok to be completely sappy. They showed us the subtle yet crucial difference between “coordinating” and “matching”.
Granted, they’ve been out of the loop for a while now. Mabel and I were very excited, yet apprehensive because 1) there was only 3 of them and 2) they have a new album so we were freaked they might not sing anything we knew. So we took out some insurance to guarantee a good time: Sushi and sake bombs!
After a couple of bombs (ok 4… ok 4 each) and a ton of sushi, we headed to the venue which was a few of blocks away ("4th & B is on 4th… and B… right?" "I… I think so…"). The crowd was fantastic. You could just tell it was a bunch of fans from our generation who had nuthin’ but love for the boyz. There were a couple of fans to note however.
First is $10 hooka 10 years too late:
You can see Mabel in the corner because I had to pretend I was taking a picture of her.
Then we got these guys (Mabel called them "Boyz 2 Men"):
I’m still deciding if they’re awesome or a bunch of choads.
We started out pretty far from the stage:
But we made our way up:
And up:
And holy crap look how close we got!
I am proud to say that I have shaken hands with 2/4 Boyz II Men. Girls were going crazy for them! It was so fun(ny)! We were all just having a great time. We even saw the bouncer/bodyguards singing along. I’ll let Mabel tell the story of the defining exchange she had with another woman when she stepped on her toes.
The show was over before we knew it, and Mabel snagged the playlist from the stage (Bouncer: "Get OFF the STAGE!")
On the way back to the car we saw a strange sight. Are drugs being sold via bananas nowadays? Because I saw this "deal" going down and I had to take a pic:
Anyhoos, a GREAT night all around!
Thanks to everyone participating in the letter writing project. For those who haven’t submitted entries, it’s not too late.