I used to write letters. I had a penpal in middle school. I exchanged letters for a whole summer with my first crush I met at summer camp (right up until I was HIS worst.date.ever for MY winter ball... anyway, story for another day...) Letters then declined to corny greeting cards during college. Now it's occasion cards and mostly just for my parents or if I see one that's "perfect" for someone I know. But that's so lame, making Hallmark come up with trite messages for me.
My personal writing skills have definately declined. Even when I sign cards nowadays the most I can think of is, "Hi. Congrats/happy birthday/etc..." or "Hi. Enjoy." or "Hi. This is your daughter. Miyon. Thanks for stuff." (which is all I know how to write in Korean) I hate the stupid office birthday card that everyone is forced to write in. (I'm tempted to use these from now on. I hear it's most effective when you misspell their name and make up random memories.)
Anyway, it really bothers me that I've lost my ability to write. I have this blog but 90% of this is just ramblings to myself. It isn't communicating anything in particular to anyone in particular. Just futile words being pitched into the void with approximately 1 in 4703955 chance that they hit anything.
So... I have a proposition that will help me tap into that lost reserve of creative communication, as well as making you feel like a "special person". E-mail me your address and I will send you a letter on a piece of actual stationary that is collecting dust in my drawers! I have some pretty awesome paper (and by awesome I mean so tacky that it made a loop back to awesome) that I've collected over the years. By my calculations this venture will cost me about $1.48 in stamps, amuse me for a couple of hours, and hopefully amuse you for 2 minutes. Even if I only know you from blogland, go for it! I will feel that much less pressure to impress you. And don't think that you're ineligible because you live in San Diego and/or I see you at least once a week. If anything you deserve a thank you letter more than anyone else for hanging around with my lame ass.
Oh, and although I could use the cash flow, I solemnly swear that I'm not just collecting addresses to sell to marketing companies.