Things the piss me off
(only for about a 30 seconds... but it's with a very intense, white hot rage)
- Sandwiches with all the ingredients off center and the bread is unevenly cut.
- Shirts like this. Honestly, are apostrophes that expensive?
- When people say sweater when they mean sweatshirt. I suppose 2 and 3 can be joined into a general "English/grammar/spelling anal retentiveness" category.
- Missing movie previews.
- Telemarketing recordings on my voice mail. Whoever you are, I will find you. I will find you and I will beat you senseless (for 30 seconds)!
Things that bring me joy
(if I had a dance of joy, I'd do it)
- Sticking my hands in a pile of clean towels fresh from the dryer.
- When the alarm goes off on Saturday. I like being able to turn it completely off instead of hitting the damn snooze button. Also, when I turn off my alarm it says, "Alarm. Off" with a philipino accent and it's kind of funny.
- Getting off the chair lift without falling.
- Getting comments on my blog.
- Going to the register to buy something and finding out it's on sale.