Yes, it's true, two posts within a couple of hours of each other. But I just had to comment on this:
California Supreme Court voids gay marriages in San Francisco, saying mayor overstepped authority "
Why do I have such an urge to comment? Well for one, I was raised in San Francisco. I love that city and everything it stands for and everything that it stands up for. Secondly, I just can't believe that what is obviously prejudice is being considered written into law.
1. As soon as I heard the mayor of SF was going to "allow" gay marriages, I knew it wasn't going to last. I mean, this is a constitutional issue and there's no way one city is going tell the whole country to F off 'cause they're gonna do things their way. However, I totally admire Newsom for doing it anyway. He knew they were going to get slapped down, but it's the principle of the act. The mere fact that he is standing up to the government brings publicity, controversy, discussion.
2. Most people against gay marriages argue that it violates the sanctity of marriage. Ok, you wanna talk about the sancitity of marriage? Can I bring up Britney "I'm such a Christian" Spears? Let me get this straight. This girl going out and getting married to a guy in Vegas and getting divorced all in 48 hours doesn't demean the "institution" of marriage? And yet, allowing two people who love each other and have been committed to each other for 10 years to be legally recognized as a marriage will somehow destroy the morals of society? I just don't get it.
This sarcastic comment on a message board I frequently visit sums it up great (summarized):
"This is also good news for my parents. They haven't been able to get along since those homos got hitched. They were headed for divorce... its as if homos being married sent out 'marriage sanctity errosion' rays all over america."
3. Another argument is that God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. I believe in God. I don't believe in bringing God into the laws of the country. If US History serves me correct, I think this was why our country was founded in the first place. Believe anything you want. People died for that right. But don't force your beliefs on others. People died for that right too.
4. I'm not saying the Constitution needs to say "Marriage can be allowed by straight people or gay people". I'm just saying, why change it at all? Why define it to exclude people of certain rights because of the way they are? Didn't we go through this with, oh I don't know, slavery??
5. People also argue, "If we allow gays to get married, next thing you know we'll have people marrying their dogs and cats marrying each other, and who knows what else!" This... this is not an argument. This just makes my head hurt from the stupidity. If someone uses this "argument" they seriously need to graduate from kindergarten. Neener neener.
It will be interesting to watch how this latest development will affect the campaigns.