Cindy and I walked 12 miles today in preparation for the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk. It's going to be in October and it's 60 miles over 3 days. I'm not the most active person and I don't even know anyone who has been affected by breast cancer so I'm not sure where I got the idea in my head to do this. Although I'm sure a part of it is that I'm 25 years old now and lived pretty selfishly my whole life (i.e. only child) so I guess this is sort of helping me transition into becoming a responsible citizen of the world. Or maybe I'm just crazy.
But thank God Cindy said she'd do it with me. At about the 10 mile mark (which we've done twice) my legs seriously started giving out on me and my right knee was getting painful. But it was great to have someone to chat with and make plans for future walks and fundraising ideas (On top of walking, I have to raise $2,000). We walked along the coast from La Jolla to Pacific Beach. We started walking around 7am and I was amazed at the number of people up and about. They were running, walking, eating breakfast... when is the last time you had breakfast on a Saturday morning? I was just shocked at the life going on. And to think, usually I'd be under my covers, maybe flipping my pillow over one more time to get the "cool" side on my cheek...
Next week: 14 miles.
Oh and in case anyone who stumbles in here would like to help me out and donate to the cause:
I also added a "funner" link on the side. Hope no one minds! :)